Course overview
Want to work in a fast-paced, dynamic industry with strong growth prospects? Take the next step in your career with our online hospitality management courses.
You can study for a Diploma or Advanced Diploma. Both courses have been designed in consultation with hospitality industry leaders and will provide you with the skills you need to thrive in this dynamic profession.
Job outcomes
- Catering managers
- Health and leisure department managers
- Restaurant supervisors and managers
- Tourism and travel consultants
- Hospitality entrepreneurs
- Housekeeping supervisors
- Bar managers
- Hotel management trainees
- Purchasing officers
- Personnel and training officers
- Night auditors
- Marketing consultants
- Public relations officers
- Personal assistants to hotel managers

Study method
- Online
- Blended
- In-class
Duration study load
Students typically complete their event management courses within the following timeframes:
Entry requirements
There are NO previous employment or educational requirements to enter either the Diploma or Advanced Diploma. You can enrol directly into either course level without having previous qualifications.
Professional recognition
Accredited by the IAPCC
Our hospitality management courses are conducted entirely online via distance learning. Also sometimes referred to as correspondence learning, this approach gives you the flexibility to fit your studies around existing commitments, meaning you can adapt the course to suit your lifestyle.
It also gives you the chance to learn wherever you are in the world, so you can enrol on our programmes regardless of where you are based. Additionally, you won’t have the expense and inconvenience of having to travel to attend lessons in person. Another benefit of studying with ICI is that you’ll have your own personal tutor standing by to answer questions and offer advice.
Our hospitality courses are designed to be practical and engaging too, so you won’t struggle with motivation.
The Hotel Industry
The Scope of the Industry
The Firm in the Hotel and Catering Industry
Hotel Management
The Nature and Purpose of Organisation
The Mechanistic View of Organisation
The Human Relations View of Organisation
The Systems Approach to Organisation
Organisation Structure
The Informal Structure
Hotel Organisation
Work Charts
Communication and Coordination
Staff Management
Monitoring Workloads and Work Procedures
Authority/Chain of Command
Career Structure
Sources and Storage of Information
Creating and Maintaining Information
Creating and Maintaining Control Systems
Types of Control
Production Control
Quality Control
Sales Control
Labour Utilisation Control
Materials Control
Maintenance Control
Financial Control
Setting Standards and Corrective Action
Work Study
Organisation and Methods
The Functions of the Front Office
Customer Service
Dealing with Grievances & Complaints
Understanding Communication
Conversation Development
Using the Telephone
Business Letters
Promotions and Customer Relations
Client Interpersonal Skills
Self Esteem & Reinforcement, etc
Service Equipment
Direct Purchase of Hire of Equipment
Linen: Purchase or Hire
Choice of Fabrics
Structure and Properties of Fibers
Linen Room Organisation
About International Career Institute
The International Career Institute (ICI) is an independent and private provider of online education.
ICI students are given skills that will change their employment prospects and increase their value to employers. The Institute listens to employers via its strong links to industry.
The Institute currently offers over 50 exciting careers and lifestyle focused courses to a broad range of adult learners regardless of location or prior experience and education.